Friday, July 25, 2014

You're never going to believe this, but…..

Ruby is 2 and happy!
Hi.  I have some crazy ass news to share.
For anyone who has read my blog,  this is going to come as a surprise….
I'm pregnant and due to give birth to a baby boy any minute.   Now, given that I gave birth to Ruby two years ago, it doesn't seem like getting pregnant should be that big a deal, BUT, Ruby took six years, and thousands of dollars and four different doctors and IVF.
This time, it happened the good ole fashioned way on the night of my birthday.   I am 46.   Halle Berry watch out.

The pregnancy has been incredibly stress free, except the first trimester where I was on high alert because of my age, but somehow, miraculously, I have beaten the odds, and so has this little boy spirit who wants to come and play with his sister and add joy to this household.

We have named him "Boone"….after my great uncle x 5,  Daniel Boone (the guy who founded Kentucky, among other things).
Truthfully I've been living in a state of disbelief and utter shock and awe by the miracle of this pregnancy given that I was told over and over again that I would never have a child with my own eggs.  But I wanted to share it with who ever  happens to read this and tell you that Miracles do happen.!  I'm humbly on my knees in gratitude and truthfully scared shitless!!



  1. Oh wow Andrea! That is such super great news! Sorry I'm so late, but super Congratulations! And Ruby looks so adorable! Please keep us posted!!!
    Love Always,
    Kristi Knight
    #1 Frand From Dallas

  2. Just reading this. AWESOME! God is so good and I am beyond thrilled for you and your family! xoxoxoxo!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Andrea!! I hope all is well!! I have been trying to reach you - tell me you still read these comments :-)

