Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm here.  I'm mothering. I'm writing.
I'm worried. I'm peaceful. I'm tired.  I'm grateful. I'm craving dark chocolate. Nothing has changed.
Ruby is almsot 9 months old and as God as my witness it feels like yesterday that she came into this world.  The depths of sadness that will wash over me when I come to understand that her life is going to whizz by, like the A train in NYC, is almost too much to take.  It's all going too fast.  I love being her mother. I love taking her to play dates.  To the park.  She loves to swing.  She crawls. She pulls herself up.
She is perfect. It stops me in my tracks to say those words. I'm a mother.  What?  And a daughter. And a wife. A sister. A friend.
My breasts are full.  I must go pump!!


  1. Hi there! I was just thinking of you guys and wanted to check in. Glad to read about the happy changes and milestones.

    I'm still here, working away at the photography. I have a day job, too. Marriage is fun and life in Minnesota during summer is heavenly.

    I met my niece for the first time a week ago. Talk about spiritually moving...

    Photo: https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1013724_209462385876904_446827410_n.jpg

    Oh boy. That was an awesome day.

    Tell us all a story of games Ruby loves and what the dogs do when she cries. Also, does she have a favorite food yet?


  2. Just stopping by to say Hi and see how the family is doing! Hope everyone is all happy, healthy, and doing super great! Keep us posted when you can, and take care!
    Love Always,

  3. I *cannot* believe I forgot:

    Happy Birthday to the little lady! Are there photos from 1st cake?


  4. Hi Andrea! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you would be willing to answer my quick question I have about your blog! Please email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
